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Our Commitment to Safeguarding

As a provider of health and social care, Medvivo recognises its statutory responsibilities and is commited to ensuring that, whilst in their care, all patients are safe from the risk of harm.

"Health services have a duty to safeguard all patients but provide additional measures for patients who are less able to protect themselves from harm or abuse. Safeguarding adults is an integral part of patient care. Duties to safeguard patients are required by professional regulators, service regulators and supported in law."1

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all service users, including identifying those who are suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm, and taking appropriate and timely action to protect or remove them from that harm, are the primary objectives of the Medvivo safeguarding policies.


Medvivo Executive Lead: Michelle Reader

Photo of Michelle Reader

Safeguarding Lead: Debbie Parsons

Photo of Debbie Parsons


1 Department of Health, Safeguarding Adults: 'The Role of health Service Practitioners'

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